Daily Habits of Productive People

According to Eric Barker

Sofia Amante
Jan 2, 2021

Original Blog Post Here

1. Judge results

Don’t track hours, track results.

2. Know yourself, outsmart yourself.

Working from home, your manager or annoying coworkers are no longer your enemies, you are.

3. Make process goals

Outcome goals don’t last. Process goals do. For example, losing 20 pounds is not as effective as making eating healthy and working out a habit.

4. Manage your environment

Working from home, you can control your environment. Environment matters. Customize it for the better.

5. Plan casual meetings

Serendipitous meetings matter. Catch up quickly. Meet people for short meetings or calls.

6. Manage your mood

When you’re happy, tasks will seem easier and it's easier to get started. Improve your mood, improve your productivity!



Sofia Amante

Changing careers, learning new things, shitposting and other things